Tempo to Milliseconds / Frequency Converter
Fraction | Regular (ms) | Triplet (ms) | Dotted (ms) |
Fraction | Regular (ms) | Triplet (ms) | Dotted (ms) |
This tool allows you to convert tempo BPM to milliseconds or frequency, streamlining your music production process.
Why do I need this?
For music producers and mixing engineers, precise synchronization is key. This converter helps you align effect plugins accurately to your beat, ensuring a tighter mix. Try using the values generated in this converter as your compressor release! This trick is excellent for side-chained compressors in EDM.
How to use?
- Type the tempo BPM into the converter.
- You can convert BPM to frequencies by clicking on Show Frequencies.
- Check Round Up if you don’t need decimal points.
- Click on More to discover the 1/32 and 1/64 lengths!